musings from my head

Why Made-to-Order is Better for the Environment

Slow Fashion Why is made-to-order a better approach towards our environment vs. mass production? Made-to-order means that customers can chose products customised to their specifications. Opposite to a make-to-stock or “off the…

Sustainable Silk

Tired of trends SILK: A SUSTAINABLE FIBRE A STARTING POINT FOR A DISCUSSION ON SUSTAINABILITY ISSUES IN SILK PRODUCTION What does the concept of sustainability actually mean when applied to the world of textiles? Can…

Break the Pattern

Break the pattern aka. YOUR COMFORT ZONE IS NOT A GOOD BENCHMARK. “When you’re not used to being confident, confidence feels like arrogance.When you’re used to being passive, assertiveness feels like aggression.When…

Classics vs. Trendy

Tired of trends Throughout my career, I have rarely met a respected designer or editor who would call their work/ use the word “trendy”. Everyone with a shred of genius and quality…